
Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education

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The Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education with Early Childhood Special Education Preliminary Teaching Credential prepares students to work in early intervention, preschool, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten education settings with infants and young children (ages birth through 5) who experience a range of disabilities.  This program’s equity-centered approach to praxis advances social justice and increases access and opportunity for all children. 

Master of Arts in Educational Leadership

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The Master of Arts in Educational Leadership program, in addition to providing students with the skills and knowledge needed to utilize research to inform leadership, meets the California Commission on Teaching Credentialing (CCTC) requirements for a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC). The MA in Educational Leadership program prepares students for positions as administrators in K-12 public schools in the state of California. The PASC is required for administrative roles in all K-12 public schools in California.

Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence — Portland

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Learn to design, develop, and maintain AI systems that change the world, from reducing cancer deaths and unregulated pharmaceuticals to expanding job access to rural workers and incorporating Indigenous languages into automatic speech recognition.

This AI master's degree prepares professionals and recent graduates with technical or mathematical training for a leadership role in AI. You’ll study with experts who are driving innovation across industries and hold an optional paid co-op or internship with a choice of 700+ industry partners.

Master of Science in Resilience Studies — Boston

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Across the globe, communities, companies, and countries face serious threats, from terrorism, cyberattacks, and natural hazards to migration, climate change, and pandemics. Northeastern University's Master of Science in Resilience Studies is a first-of-its-kind program that gives you the skills and experience to tackle these dangers and make organizations and society resilient to ever-evolving challenges. 

Master of Science in Resilience Studies — Online

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Here's your opportunity to earn your master's online and build your career solving society's biggest challenges. 

Communities, companies, and countries face serious threats, from terrorism, cyberattacks, and natural hazards to migration, climate change, and pandemics. Northeastern's Master of Science in Resilience Studies is a first-of-its-kind program that gives you the skills and experience to address these dangers and make organizations and society resilient to ever-evolving challenges.

Graduate Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner

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The United States is experiencing an ongoing shortage of primary care physicians, leading to a surging demand for family nurse practitioners. Northeastern University's Graduate Certificate in Family Nurse Practitioner program provides individualized coursework and clinical experience that prepares qualified students to fill the gap and become nationally certified as family nurse practitioners.

Master of Professional Studies in Digital Media Connect — Vancouver

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The Master of Professional Studies in Digital Media Connect program is designed for students without prior experience in core technical and/or creative concepts. This program requires an additional 12 quarter hours of credit, with courses providing intensive, hands-on guidance into the essential knowledge required for the MPS Digital Media curriculum.

Master of Professional Studies in Digital Media — Vancouver

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The Master of Professional Studies in Digital Media offers a hands-on, collaborative way to explore core creative concepts and innovative ideas in diverse areas of the digital media world. The program provides a solid preparation in the three core digital media knowledge areas: design thinking, technical competency, and creative expression.